Frequently Asked Questions

Below you’ll be able to find answer to questions you may have


Follow this video for a demo of how to register for the 2022 Vancity Showdown.

A fitness competition is a kind of physique exhibition event for male and female fitness athletes. In this competition, contestants are judged based on their stage posing, figure, body shape, body tone, physical fitness, muscle definition, and the confidence with which competitors carry themselves.

When preparing for your first Competitive Fitness Show, the first step is selecting a Division. The divisions offered in Canada include women’s bikini, figure, fitness, wellness, women’s physique division (WPD), women’s bodybuilding (WBB), men’s physique (MP), and men’s classic physique (MCP) and men’s bodybuilding. The differences between divisions are defined by the amount of muscle mass required and the overall body fat percentage obtained for both men and women. To find the most up to date rules for each class, visit the CPA Rules page

All competitors in our show will need a valid CPA membership. This is an annual membership. The Canadian Physique Alliance (CPA) was recently sanctioned nationally by the IFBB Professional League, the most recognized and respected professional bodybuilding and fitness organization globally. These organizations determine their sanctioned contests’ rules, standards, and judging practices. The CPA offers the most reasonable and most significant opportunity to be recognized. The ability to compete and obtain an IFBB Pro Card at CPA National Pro Qualifiers, the North American Championships, the Arnold Amateur Classic or the Amateur Olympia starts here at the Canadian Physique Alliance. Become a CPA Member today

Here’s an approximate breakdown of expenses

  • CPA Membership is approximately $125
  • Show Class Registration: $100 (per class)

  • Hotel (if you’re planning on travelling to show): $199+ per night
  • Additional travel cost is necessary (rental car, plane ticket): $400+
  • Suit: $350-$550
  • Competitor jewelry: $20-$100
  • Heels: $30-60
  • Tan: $150
  • Makeup and hair: $200
  • Admission tickets for your supporters: $50-$100 per person
  • Stage photos: $100-$250
  • Show day video $75-$300
  • Coach: $800-$3,000

TRUE NOVICE: All first-time competitors are eligible to compete in the True Novice category (never competed in any class at a bodybuilding or fitness competition – first time on stage ever). The True Novice category provides no qualifications, just awards and bragging rights).

NOVICE: All competitors may compete in the Novice category. The Novice category provides no qualifications, only awards and bragging rights. All Novice competitors are eligible to compete in a regional competition – no pre-qualification. Competitors may do True Novice, Novice & Open in the same show.

Clothing/Suit regulations can be found on the CPA website

The Last Day for Registration online is 9 PM (pst) on the Monday before the show. You will be able to register on the Athlete Registration/Check-in day. However, you will be subject to late fees (ranging from $25-50). If you register 12 weeks before the show, you can be entered to win many terrific prizes from our sponsors. It is beneficial for our team for you to register as early as possible to ensure we have the correct number of athlete bags, t-shirts, and medals for the show. We also offer a show-day guarantee. If we cannot host the show or must postpone, you can receive a 100% refund for your classes if you no longer wish to compete.

You do not need to be a Canadian citizen to compete in the show, however, you need to have a Canadian mailing address to participate. This is required in order to purchase a Canadian Physique Alliance membership and we recognize that you might be here in Canada for a number of reasons including a student visa, visitor visa, work permit, or other.

Athlete Checkin

Have your posing suits on because they will be checked by the judges to confirm it meets the requirements for your category.⁠ Also, bring your photo ID and also your valid CPA membership, both will be confirmed.⁠
⁠You will need the following items

  • Your posing suit (please show up with this on)
  • Picture ID (Drivers License, BC ID, Passport)
  • CPA Membership Number/Card
  • Smartphone with the Muscleware App downloaded

Show day has arrived and you are excited to get to the venue! What you need to bring with you is extremely important and something that you should plan out 5-7 days before so you are ready to go. Here is a list of the most important things to bring with you to prepare for whatever happens.

  • Flipflops
  • Long sleeve shirt and loose-fitting pants
  • Plenty of food (Including extra food should the show run long)
  • Suit, backup suit, sewing kit, footwear for on stage, makeup, personal mirror
  • Pump up equipment (Bands are ideal)
  • Water bottle
  • Cell phone (with a copy of your ID and CPA number on it)
  • Post-show snacks if you desire
  • Camera to capture the moments and to post to social media

Judges’ feedback for your show can be obtained in 1 of 2 ways both of which can take up to 4 weeks to receive a reply.

Option 1: Video Critique

This is the best option for obtaining judges’ feedback as it will show you posing on stage by yourself along with you in the lineup with other competitors. One of the judges will do a voiceover of the video and tell you exactly the good and the bad in real-time. If you are a serious athlete and want to continue in the sport, this is the best option to obtain personalized feedback for your entire presentation. There is a fee associated with this option so please check with the video service provider of your show to determine what the cost is. After purchasing this option, you have no further steps needed to obtain the feedback and the completed file will be emailed directly to you.

Option 2: Email

The first step is to fill out the “Contact Form” and state your name, and number, and show that you competed. In order to do so, you must first have photos provided by the official photographer in order to use this option. They will not accept photos taken on a cell phone. A reply will be given to you with a judge included in the reply. At that point, you will be directed to email the judge your photos and wait for a reply back. The judges will give you feedback based on the photos. This is a free service.

Yes we have two ways to enjoy the show
Purchase an in-person ticket to watch you on stage at the venue.
If you have guests that are not able to travel to the venue they can also purchase a pay-per-view live stream and watch live from their computer or smartphone.

Please follow the social pages to get updates regarding the athlete check-in. It will be approximately between 3-6pm the day before the show. The exact times to be posted on social.

Our official show DJs are DJ Maiyah and DJ Relik. You can submit your music by logging into your athlete profile through You can also submit your music by emailing Lastly, you can bring your music on a USB to the athlete check-in.

Athlete Services

Host Gym for Vancouver Island Showdown
Truth Gym Gallery
1035 Alston St, Victoria, BC V9A 3S6


Host gym for Golden Prairie Cup
To be confirmed


Host gym for Vancity Showdown
West Coast Iron
1533 Broadway St #101, Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 6M2

Are there any perks to participating in an Influential Sports show?
Athletes who participate in an Influential Sports show can redeem athlete discounts from many of our sponsors and partners. Visitor our athlete discount page for the latest discounts and promo codes.

You do not need to use the official hair & makeup provider for the show if you do not wish to use them. However, keep in mind that they are the only ones allowed to conduct professional business at the host hotel and/or the venue on show day. It is a stress-free way not having to worry about the details by going with the official provider however this is not the obligation.

The key to having a good tan is to ensure you’ve prepped your skin in the weeks before the show. First, you’ll want to exfoliate your entire body exfoliation. Using exfoliating gloves and body scrubs can get your skin smooth. Contact our official tanning providers for more information.

Spectator Tickets

Visit the show page and click the “tickets button” which will take you to the checkout page where you can purchase tickets online. You will then be emailed a unique QR code which will be used to scan on show day to check your tickets.

Visit the show page and click the “pay-per-view button” which will take you to the checkout page where you can purchase your live stream access online. You will then be emailed a unique URL link where you can watch the show online.

Visit the show page and click the “tickets button” which will take you to the checkout page where you can purchase your coach’s pass. You will then be emailed a unique QR code which will be used to scan on show day to check your coach’s pass.

Some shows offer a coaches pass. The backstage coaches pass can be purchased to allow your coach or trainer backstage to assist you with your final preparations for competition. Every trainer must purchase a pass for backstage access.

Your coach will either need to purchase a regular audience ticket, coaches pass or premier pass (which includes backstage access and theatre access).

Visit the show page and click the “tickets button” which will take you to the checkout page where you can purchase tickets/passes online. You will then be emailed a unique QR code which will be used to scan on show day to check your tickets.