Vancouver Island Showdown FAQ | Canadian Physique Alliance | Bodybuilding Canada| Victoria BC

Vancouver Island Showdown FAQ 2022

Knowledge is power! This is the reason why we created the Vancouver Island Showdown FAQ section so that you can get all the information that you need before, during, and after the event,

CPA Regional Level 1 Competitor FAQ

Victoria Conference Centre
720 Douglas St, Victoria, BC V8W 3M7

Doubletree By Hilton Hotel & Suites Victoria
777 Douglas St, Victoria, BC V8W 2B5

The athlete meeting will be held at the Victoria Conference Centre, the same venue as the show located at 720 Douglas St, Victoria, BC V8W 3M7. Check the main show page for times and details under the athlete check in section.

All athlete weigh-ins and check-ins will happen the day before show day.⁠ Saturday, April 22, 2023, at the Victoria Conference Centre.⁠ ⁠ 🚹 Men’s Registration: 4:00 PM-4:45 PM (45 minutes)⁠ Check-ins for Men’s Bodybuilding, Classic Physique and Men’s Physique⁠ ⁠ 🚺 Women’s Registration: 4:45 PM-5:30 PM (45 minutes)⁠ Check-ins for Women’s Bodybuilding, Women’s Physique, Fitness, Figure, Wellness and Bikini⁠ ⁠ 5:30 PM CPA Amatuers’ Athletes Meeting @ Victoria Conference Centr⁠ ⁠

The morning show starts at 10AM which includes the IFBB Pro Pre-judging Event (IFBB Pro Women’s Bodybuilding & IFBB Pro Women’s Physique), Pre-judging Event for theCanadian Physique Alliance Regional level 1 athletes.

The afternoon show starts at 34M which includes IFBB Pro Finals (IFBB Pro Women’s Bodybuilding & IFBB Pro Women’s Physique), Finals Event for the Canadian Physique Alliance Regional Level 1 athletes.

Classic Physique, Bodybuilding, Fitness, & Women’s Physique – You will provide music to the DJ at check-ins. Music MUST be brought on a USB. For all divisions, music no longer than 45 seconds. If the track is longer than 45 seconds it will be faded to end at exactly 45 seconds. Music with profanity may result in disqualification. The promoter and DJ are not responsible for lost, forgotten or stolen music. If you do not bring music, a song will be chosen for you.

You will indicate to the DJ at check-ins if your music should begin play while you are off stage or after you have reached the center of the stage.

We cannot tell you an exact time that you will be on stage as many factors can play into the time you will be on stage. Download the muscleware app and stay up to date on the movement of the show as we will be pushing out notifications via the app. We strongly recommend that you are at the venue at the start of the show you are competing in regardless of the class. All CPA men be at the venue for 9AN, all CPA Women be at the venue for 3PM. IFBB Pro Women, the back stage area will open up for you 1 hour prior to the event start time.

A one show format means that you will only be at the venue 1 time for the entire show if you are competing in the CPA regional level 1 show. This means that you will come to the venue and do the following:

  1. Individual presentation Round
  2. Comparison Round
  3. Call Outs
  4. If applicable routines
  5. Awards for your class and the overall awards

If you do not know your current height, please select the class that is a best guess, you do not need to worry as your height will be double checked at the athlete meeting on the Friday before the event and you will be placed into the correct category for show day.

Here is the link for the Canadian Physique Alliance website

In order to compete in any Canadian Physique Alliance show it’s mandatory that you sign up for a membership to join the organization. Your membership is good for 1 calendar year and allows you to compete in as many shows within that year that you would like.

yes, you can compete in as many classes as you’d like in the show. This can be done in a number of ways as follows:

Competing in different classes

You can compete in 2 classes if you’d like. For men this might be men’s physique and men’s classic physique. For Women, this could be women’s bikini and women’s wellness.

Competing in different categories within the same class

The Canadian Physique Alliance offers a number of different classes specific to age and experience level and you are welcome to compete in as many as you’d like. Class for example are as follows: junior (Under 23 years old on show day), Master for women 35 plus, Masters for men 40 plus, Grand Masters for women 45 plus, Grand Masters for Men 50 plus, Super Grand masters for women 55 plus, Super grand master for men 60 plus. Should you not see an age class for the show you’d like to compete in you can send us an email to have it added.

Additionally, you can register for shows as a true novice (first time competitors only), novice (competed before however haven’t placed top 3 in any events), open (all athletes are welcome)

Yes, if you are competing within the same class aka.. men’s bodybuilding for example and you would like to do Masters & open, you’d only do your routine 1 time. The only exception is if you are doing both men’s bodybuilding and men’s classic physique you are welcome to do your routine for each class. However you will need to have a different song for each and a different routine that matches the poses for each class respectively.

Tickets for the event can be purchased here:

Pay-per-view access can be purchased here:

The best way to obtain judges feedback is to purchase a judges critique video that will have the head judge voiceover your presentation on stage. They will give you feedback directly on your presentation and the areas that you need to improve upon.

At this point we are unsure if this will be possible however we will update you closer to the event.