Vancouver Island Showdown 2020 Re-Scheduled For December 12th, 2020

Vancouver Island Showdown | Canadian Physique Alliance

The Vancouver Island Showdown has been forced to re-schedule this years event from the originally posted date of June 27th, 2020 till December 12th, 2020. We have made every effort to ensure that the safety and health of all individuals involved remains the top priority. With the new date in December, we are confident that […]

Ideal Physique Transformation Contest

Ideal Physique Transformation Contest | Vancouver Island Showdown

The “Ideal Physique Transformation Contest” is a 10 week photo challenge that will document the body transformation of individuals via photo submission for the chance to win the overall prize. Entry photos must be submitted Between April 15th, 2020 till April 22nd ,2020 as the starting point for the transformation. This will be a 10 […]


Vancity Showdown | Xing Zhou

在Influential Sports我们定义健美为“健造型体”(健体)-所有想健造他们的身体体型的就是健美者。那些爱塑造形体、实行抗力训练丶专注于他们身体外型形象的人。健美不但给予个人外观上有成就感,而且那种要为健身目标而奋斗的感觉,更是让人沉迷上瘾。 在中国以前,很少会有人接触到这种健身(健美)的水平。大部分人只专注在极度苛刻的饮食和身体过瘦的形象。但在过去几年间,健身行业开始快速发展于整个国家。随后健身食物公司及补充品工厂也开始带来备餐服务和健美产品。愈来愈多人会上载自己健身的视频和在健身房的照片到各种社交平台。公众媒体开始创造一些艺人健身电视节目。现今政府也推广健康及运动的重要。以上所有因素影响到中国人渐渐接触到健身而从之沉迷于健美。 最近几年,中国消费者提高了对健康以及健身运动的意识。人们开始对力量训练和健美运动产生兴趣。正因为有这样的高需求,很多健身房丶健康会所和运动具乐部迅速地在各地开放。人们享受到不同的健身房打卡和自拍身体改造的照片。如果观看中国的资媒体,你会看到许多人开始倾向健身为一种休闲娱乐的主流。在西方文化,健身运动是一种日常生活方式。在中国文化,至少在现初阶段,被归为其中一项休闲娱乐。 这样的娱乐主流带动更多人去加入这个“游戏”。那种想去参与这个“游戏”的冲劲,激励中国消费者加入成为健身房会员,选择健康饮食和购买健身补充品。比较让人惊讶的消费群组侧是女士。过去以来,建立肌肉对于女性来说是比较难接受的。相对来讲,说起健身,都是男性主导比较多。 在以前时代,中国女性的审美标准都是拥有非常瘦弱的身材。被视为"干瘦"或"骨感"都是对中国女性极高的赞美。跟现在不同的是,中国女性正在改变她们的审美观,她们现在想要的是健美塑形的身材。比起"平坦瘦削",现在她们更想要"衣架肩"丶"马甲线"丶和"蜜桃臀"作为她们的健身目标。正因为这些正在改变的审美标准,现代的女性会更加接受微瘦肌肉形的外观,大概像是比基尼健美运动员那样。在过去几年,你会发现有些中国业余比基尼健美选手赢得职业卡。中国也成为奥林比亚健美业余比赛的举辨国家之一。在这之前中国也是有本地及国内的健美比赛,但现在看来中国已被知名国际赛事选为举办热点之一。这样会更加推动中国健美爱好者踏上职业健美运动员之路。 对于那些想把塑形健体提升到另一个层次的健美爱好者,他们可能会选择正式参加健美比赛。健体比赛从来在中国不是一项热门的运动。但在近几年,你可以看到有更多中国健美运动员踏上舞台。有些更获得资格参加亚诺或奥赛。IFBB Pro 女子形体中国职业运动员牟丛成为了第一位中国女子赢得阿诺德传统赛业余组比赛全场冠军,IFBB Pro 男子健体中国职业运动员成为第一个站上奥赛舞台的中国人。他们就是中国健美健体运动非常成功的例子。当更多中国面孔站在健美比赛的舞台上,让中国男女看到亚洲人也是有成为国际级职业健美健体运动员的可能性的。 这些在中国健身界成功的突破,带来更多人对健造体型的兴趣。不论职业健身人士或知名网红博主,很多健身爱好者可以透过他们的社交媒体更加了解健美运动。有些知名博主或专业教练更会被邀请到电视节目。如今中国政府提倡鼓励国内体育健身及支持健康运动参与,人们在中央电视上可以看见这样带动全人民参与的革命活动。健康健身类型的电视节目什至会有中国艺人参与健身比赛、全身改造及训练营真人秀。 所有这些健身及健体的暴光,真的帮助这个行业增长,以及由此介绍给大众。人们终于意识到健身健体的好处和乐趣。这样使中国消费者更加愿意去投资自己的健康。在过去几年大环境趋势吸引这些新流量到健体健美。定期到健身房以及新的身材管理观念对很多中国人变成一种社会效应。在不久的将来,你会看到更多中国健美选手站在比赛的舞台上。健美运动也会对健身爱好者造成一个新的轰动。健身行业的需求增加促使人们续渐沉迷于这个“游戏”。言而现在只是兴起发展的初阶段,我们可以预见将来会有庞大的中国健美运动员涨升在国际健体比赛的舞台上。 Written by Eve Chan Photo: Ali Sohrab

Why Chinese Men & Women are Becoming Addicted to Body-Building

Why Chinese Men & Women are turning to body-building | Vancity Showdown Jiashu Zhou

At Influential Sports we define the term bodybuilding as “body-building” – anyone that wants to build their body is a bodybuilder. The ones, who love bodybuilding, perform progressive resistance exercises; mainly focus on the external image of their bodies. Not only for the outlook that bodybuilding gives, but also the feeling of setting fitness goals […]

Fitness Show Contest Prep and Staying Focused at This Time

Fitness Show | Canadian Physique Alliance | Greg Cleaver | CPA Bikini

Fitness Show Contest Prep During the COVID-19 Pandemic You have been dieting for weeks, and some, months on end. You have registered for your show, spent time and money and basically devoting most of the last few months of your life to ultimately reaching one goal, and that’s hitting the stage on show day! We […]

Lee Priest At Vancouver Island Showdown 2020

Lee Priest Canada | Canadian Physique Alliance | Influential Sports Inc

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Lee Priest Vancouver Island Showdown Brings Lee Priest to Canada March 3, 2020 – Influential Sports Inc. is proud to announce that Lee Priest, the widely-known bodybuilder, is making his first visit to Canada in over 20 years as a special guest of the Vancouver Island Showdown. Priest is a highly accomplished […]

IFBB Pro Tanji Johnson Posing Seminar Review

IFBB Pro Tanji Johnson | Canadian Physique Alliance | Influential Sports Inc

IFBB Pro Tanji Johnson: On February 8th, 2020 one of the Pacific Northwest’s most accomplished athletes and posing coaches embarked on Victoria, BC for a once in a lifetime posing clinic for current and future Canadian Physique Alliance Athletes. IFBB Pro Tanji Johnson and her husband Dr. Bridgeman make their living in the fitness industry […]

TItle Sponsor Announcement

It’s with great pleasure to announce that Fuel Supplements Victoria will once again be the title sponsor for the Vancouver Island Showdown 2020 held on June 27th, 2020. Their continued support of the Canadian Physique Alliance and ameteur bodybuilding is second to none in the industry and it’s truly an honour to have them as […]