The safety of the athletes and staff during the Vancity Showdown is the most important task at hand for the weekend of October 9th-11th. We look forward to welcoming everyone to the stage in a safe and friendly way that will ensure we all can have fun without the risk of the global pandemic that presents itself. Here are the things you will be expecting upon arrival at our venues and the things we are doing to keep everyone safe.

Athletes’ Screening Questionnaire
Each athlete will have to answer a screening questionnaire and have their temperate checked on the Friday upon arrival to the athlete registration and a second time upon arrival at the venue on show day. Trained paramedics will be on site both days administering the screening.

Put On Your Face Coverings
It is mandatory that all athletes wear their face coverings when inside the building. You will be allowed to take them off on stage in which you will have a full 6 feet between athletes. Once you are off stage again, you will be required to place a mask on once again.

Check The Muscleware App
We will be utilizing the musclewear app that is downloadable for both Android and iOS. This will send you a push notification that will inform you when to come into the venue for your athlete registration as well as on show day for your class.

Join The Queue
Upon arrival please join the social distancing queue for your screening questionnaire and maintain 6 feet of distance throughout your time in the venue.

Contact Tracing
We have all of your contact information including phone number and email on file as part of your registration. This information will be kept private unless needed by the local authorities to contact you for exposure control purposes.

Contactless Payments
All payments for photos, video, and additional classes are strongly recommended that you use our online contactless payment processing.

Upon Entering Sanitize Your Hands
Each individual will be required to sanitize their hands upon entering the building both at the athletes meeting as well as the venue on show day. Sanitizing stations will be set up at the entryways of both buildings.

Please Arrive By Yourself
We are limited to a maximum of 50 individuals inside the building at all times. This restricts the ability of everyone involved to only the athletes and staff members needed to run the event. Please do not come to the door with anyone else with the expectation of having them enter the building with you.

Follow The Route
We have created a one-way flow that will allow athletes to be safe and keep their distance. Follow all signs and floor markings to ensure that we are all safe.

Enhanced Cleaning
We have enhanced cleaning that will be continually cleaning all high touch point areas throughout the day. Multiple staff with face coverings and gloves will be cleaning the surfaces throughout the weekend to ensure you are kept safe.

Follow Directions Upon Leaving
Follow all the directions on the floor that will take you back to your personal belongings, this will create a one-way flow that will safely take you back to your items and give you access to exit the building in a safe capacity.